Hidden Pond Productions Prez Lisa Brigantino is back from five weeks away in New Hampshire where she composed music and performed it in the play An Iliad, written by Lisa Peterson and Denis O’Hare, at Shaker Bridge Theatre. Check out this talkback held after the April 24th performance that includes actor David Bonanno, director Susan Haefner
The start of a new year means many works have now entered the Public Domain. Check out the Public Domain Review for some highlights of what is now PD.
Happy New Year! Check out our latest newsletter and find out what we’ve been up to. Feel free to subscribe – we only email a couple of times a year.
Hideout, a film we music supervised and provided some original music for is now available on all kinds of VOD and streaming platforms.
Hidden Pond Productions was honored to provide music supervision services as wells as original songs for the feature film, Hideout. The film just received 7 nominations at the FirstGlance Film Festival in Philadelphia, PA and will be released to the public on November 9th.
HPP President Lisa Brigantino was honored to receive a Grammy certificate from The Recording Academy for playing on the 2020 Grammy Award winning Best Children’s Album “All The Ladies” by Joanie Leeds, produced by Lucy Kalantari. The entire album features female musicians and a female production team. Lisa played acoustic